


Today's fast-paced world now more than ever demands effective communication skills to excel. Being an effective writer will dramatically increase students' chances of success in both their academic career and chosen profession. As the value of writing skills continues to increase, more and more students are entering college today with little exposure or practice with good writing. 结果是, 学生变得气馁, 作业做得不好, and often give up their dreams of a degree and career because they do not have access to the assistance they need to improve their writing.


写作中心在这里提供帮助. It has been established to help students with a variety of writing needs, 无论过程的哪个阶段, 以及各种辅导服务. Pay the 写作中心 a visit and start your journey to better grammar, essays, and communication.

Brenham校园: 教务楼9室
电话: 979-830-4699

布莱恩校园: A-118
电话: 979-209-7591

Blinn students working on any writing assignment at any stage of the writing process may use The 写作中心.

While it is not necessary to make an appointment to use The 写作中心, appointments are encouraged to secure a tutoring session. Students must realize that by not making an appointment that they run the risk of not being able to meet with a tutor immediately, 和5月, 事实上, 要等好几天才有机会吗.

  • 充足的笔记本纸和一支钢笔或铅笔;
  • 论文作业的副本;
  • 关于论文作业的课堂笔记;
  • The textbooks from the class for which the paper is being written;
  • Research notes and research materials (such as library books) for the paper;
  • Brainstorming, prewriting, outlining, or other ideas related to the paper; and
  • A few specific questions or concerns about the paper.

Students who come to The 写作中心 should come prepared to work on their writing. The 写作中心 is not for social gathering; therefore, strict guidelines are in place to ensure that The 写作中心 maintains a quiet, learner's atmosphere where students can work on their assignments without distraction. Any student exhibiting disruptive behavior will be asked to leave immediately.

Tutors in The 写作中心 will gladly help students with their literary writing assignments. The best sources for information on literary interpretation, 然而, are students’ specific English Literature instructors. 所有课程都是如此. While the tutors can offer assistance with understanding assignments and prompts, students should always defer to their instructors for their final word.

The 写作中心 is a place for students to engage in individualized, 主动学习自己的写作. 结果是, writing tutors in The 写作中心 do not write on students’ papers. 而不是, tutors ask students to read their papers aloud and both ask and answer questions about their papers. By engaging students in conversation about their papers, 写作导师不仅帮助学生认识, but also to understand and improve potential weaknesses (and strengths!在他们的写作中.

Writing tutors can help students with almost any concern related to writing. Writing tutors, 然而, do not estimate, predict, guarantee, or discuss grades. 同样的, these tutors do not discuss specific instructors or these instructors’ particular classroom policies. Students are not permitted to “drop off” their paper for a tutor to edit or proofread. Tutors can assist students with improving their editing and proofreading skills during sessions, 如果学生要求这种帮助.

绝对! 事实上, one of the best ways to reinforce learning and correction is to go over a paper in-depth and analyze errors and problem situations so that they are not repeated. Understanding the "why" and "how" of mistakes is the first step in eliminating them in future assignments.

Additional information about The 写作中心 is available in person in Academic Room 9 on the Brenham校园 or by telephone at 979-830-4699 (Brenham) as well as Buidling A, Room 118 on the 布莱恩校园 or by telephone 979-209-7591 (Bryan).


地点: 学术上的建筑物. Rm 9
电话: 979-830-4699


地点: A座118室
电话: 979-209-7591